Sara Bouhali
Research Assistant, CBML
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Sara Bouhali is pursuing her Ph.D. in Computer Science at the University of Houston which began in the fall of 2019. Since August 2020, Sara has been a member of the Computational Biology & Medicine Laboratory at the University of Houston, where she serves as a Graduate Research Assistant. Her contributions within the lab span many projects, showcasing her work in computer science applied to medical research. She is part of an ongoing clinical trial to establish the potential role of lymphatic dysfunction occurrence in the early detection of cancer-acquired lymphedema, leveraging innovative techniques such as 3D rendering and analysis of dermal backflow. Moreover, her research spans the field of key point identification on 3D point clouds, where she has employed contrastive learning and transfer learning techniques. This research project falls within the scope of improving previous work developed in the lab aiming to automate the rigid registration process of medical images. Furthermore, Sara’s research extends to the use of psychometrics to statistically assess the psychological effects of medical interventions on breast cancer survivors as a means to better their quality of care.